Do you ever wish you had more purpose at the center of your career? Or that your company took a stand for something bigger than business? And have you noticed how organizations that care about people and planet are outpacing the competition?
That's what the Armed & Generous podcast is all about; learning from those who have answered these questions and found a way to create incremental impact in the world. And they'll show us how doing good leads to growth.
Luke Wright, Founder MudLOVE
Esteemed artist making mugs for clean water.
Conference rooms can sometimes feel like jail cells. They usually have four walls, have few windows and some meetings are so long they can feel like a life sentence. But conference rooms can also feel like an inventor’s workshop with a team of people working together to solve big problems.
Over the last 17 years in the advertising industry I’ve been in both types of conference rooms.
Working primarily on the ad agency side I’ve pitched countless ideas that move the needle on brand growth and revenue goals. And I’ve had some success over the years with major brands like Nestle, Procter & Gamble, Victoria’s Secret and very sexy brands like Tidy Cats cat litter. But something in me is stirring to refocus on not just success but also significance.
That’s why I created Armed & Generous. A place where a community of give-back believers can stand at the crossroads of commerce and charity to help each other find new ways of doing good by the world while doing good on a balance sheet.
My goal is to equip, encourage and engage those who seek a double bottom line life—one that wakes us up from our quarterly coma to realize life isn’t just about profit but it’s also about purpose.
I’ll be sharing some of my own story and experience but also hearing from others who are writing their own version of what it means to be Armed & Generous.
Let’s do this.
Luke Oppliger, Marketing Leader and Founder Armed & Generous
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